This article addresses the sender ID registration requirements for sending SMS messages in Singapore.
Why do I need to register my company’s Sender ID(s) for sending SMS in Singapore?
The regulator in Singapore, IMDA, released a public directive (Full SMS Sender ID Registry Regime) on 14 October 2022, which requires all “merchants” to register their business’s own Sender ID(s) used to deliver SMS to their end customers and as part of their current operations.
The aim of this initiative is to reduce the number of harmful scam messages being sent to Singapore users. From 31 January 2023, all businesses and companies that send an SMS message from a non-registered Sender ID will be marked as ‘Likely-SCAM’ – so it’s important that you complete this process.
I’ve registered my Sender ID – now what?
Once you’ve successfully registered your Sender ID and it’s been approved, you’ll need to add it as a new SMS Alias within the Whispir platform. Company Admins can do this by navigating to ‘Alias Manager’, and adding a new alias. From there, select Singapore as the country, and choose the Sender ID-registered Alias you’d like to add from the drop-down menu.
If your Alias is not there to select from, please contact with your registered, approved Sender ID and they will add it to your account.
Please note: It may take up to a week after contacting Support for your approved Sender ID to appear in the drop-down menu within the Alias Manager.
Once you’ve added your new SMS alias(es) to the Whispir platform, anyone within your company will be able to select it when sending out SMS messages. Be sure to update any existing templates you’re using with your new alias, where relevant.
How do I register my preferred Sender ID(s)?
All companies with a Singapore unique entity number (UEN) can sign-up to be part of the Full SMS Sender ID Registry Regime as managed by SGNIC by creating an account on the SSIR portal.
Application to reserve your alphanumeric SenderID(s) for registration can be submitted via the SGNIC Portal via their website. SGNIC will inform you once your alphanumeric Sender ID(s) is successfully registered by them as part of the SSIR Regime.
What if I don’t have a Singapore unique entity number (UEN)?
If you don’t have an official UEN in Singapore, you can still register your Sender ID(s) with SGNIC using any of your holding companies that do hold a valid Singapore UEN.
If you’re a foreign-based business, you can obtain a Singapore UEN by registering with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (“ACRA”). You can either register as a local subsidiary or a foreign branch office.
What is the difference between reserving my company’s Sender IDs for registration and registering my company’s Sender IDs with SGNIC for immediate Whitelisting?
Reserving your Sender ID(s) means you’ll have the opportunity to secure the use of your Sender ID(s) upon approval of SGNIC. This requires you to sign-up via the SGNIC Portal and apply for your Sender IDs to be registered with SGNIC.
Once SGNIC has reviewed and approved your application, they will register the SenderID(s) for your sole use to send out SMS in Singapore. Registering your Sender ID(s) gives you full ownership of your Sender ID(s) as part of the SSIR regime. SGNIC will “Whitelist” all registered Sender ID(s) with the Participating Aggregators once registration is finalised.
Is there a cost involved for registering Sender IDs as part of the “Full SMS Sender ID Registry Regime” in Singapore?
Yes. The costs will include a one-time setup fee of S$500 for each registered organisation, and an annual charge of S$200 for each registered Sender ID. Prices are listed before prevailing Goods & Services Tax.
There will be no costs incurred under the Full SSIR Regime between 31 October 2022 and 31 January 2023. SSIR will commence billing organisations for their setup fee and Sender IDs from 1 February 2023 onwards.
What happens if I don’t register my Sender IDs with SGNIC as part of the Full SSIR Regime?
Every SMS sent by an unregistered Sender ID will automatically be replaced by “Likely-SCAM” for a 6 Month period starting from 31 January 2023.
After this 6 month period, all SMS messages sent with Sender IDs that are still not registered with SGNIC will be blocked as per the directive set out by IMDA.
I am currently not using Sender IDs as part of my SMS broadcast, will I still be able to send two-way SMS using long numbers and Shortcodes?
The SSIR Regime applies to all alphanumeric Sender IDs used to send SMS messages to Singapore mobile users – including Application-to-Person (“A2P”) SMS messages originating from local entities and overseas, as well as telecommunication operators’ own Sender IDs.
Even though it is not officially communicated, it is IMDA’s current directive that Long Numbers would not be allowed for A2P Messaging Services - this is currently under review with the regulator and further updates will be shared should this directive change.
While there is also no official communication available on the matter, Shortcodes should still be allowed to be used for delivery of A2P SMS, where a single Shortcode needs to be dedicated to a single customer.
Do I need to register my Long Numbers and Shortcodes as part of the Sender IDs registration process?
User organisations are required to use their own dedicated Long Virtual Number(s) (LVN) or Shortcode(s) in order to continue making use of 2-Way SMS to communicate with Singapore (+65) Mobile Users.
Dedicated ownership and use of Long Virtual Numbers (LVNs) and/or Shortcodes, has to be confirmed by the Mobile Network Operators in conjunction with the Participating Aggregators (in this case “Whispir Pte Ltd.”), before either LVNs and/or Shortcodes can be uploaded to the SSIR Portal for registration by your organisation.
What is the difference between AlphaNumeric, Long Virtual Numbers (LVNs) and Shortcodes as Sender ID types approved by SGNIC?
All 3 Sender ID types must be dedicated(not shared), and must be unique to the organisation. SGNIC has provided detailed guidelines on the different Sender ID Types on their website, with the following being the essential differences:
Sender ID Feature |
Shortcode |
Long Virtual Number (LVN) |
Alphanumeric |
Number Length/Type |
SMS Type Supported |
2-way SMS |
2-way SMS |
1-way SMS |
How do I secure a dedicated LVN or Shortcode for my business?
You will need to confirm availability of LVNs or Shortcodes with Whispir. Reach out to your Whispir Customer Success Manager or Whispir Support, who can help to confirm availability.
Once their availability is confirmed, Whispir will assign this Shortcode or LVN to you. This dedicated ownership of Long Virtual Numbers (LVNs) and Shortcodes has to be confirmed by the Mobile Network Operators in conjunction with the Participating Aggregators (in this case “Whispir Pte Ltd.”) to ensure service availability.
Following this, you will be able to register your LVN or Shortcode with SGNIC to complete the process of acquiring your dedicated LVN or Shortcode.
Note that, if you don’t confirm number availability of LVNs & Shortcodes with Whispir, there is a risk that Whispir won’t be able to support the numbers where they are used to receive Inbound Messages (MOs) as part of 2-Way Messaging use cases. Whispir would still be able to deliver the Outbound Messages (MT) of all LVNs and Shortcodes, given it has been successfully Whitelisted with SGNIC as part of the Full SSIR regime.
Given that Whispir is our partner/vendor, could we remit the setup and annual charge that is due to SGNIC via Whispir?
All charges and fees associated with the registration of Sender IDs will be under a contract between the merchant and the regulator. Whispir Pte Ltd. has no involvement with the regulator on the charges and fees as set out by the regulator for the registration of alphanumeric Sender IDs in Singapore.
Are there any other fees and charges to Sender IDs outside of the charges from the regulator?
Yes. The Sender ID types for Long Virtual Numbers (LVNs) and Shortcodes carry a setup fee as well as monthly fees per number, which is charged by Whispir. Please reach out to Your Sales Representative or Customer Success Manager to learn more about these charges.
If I am unable to register my Sender IDs in time, could I use one that is generic or one that Whispir has registered temporarily?
Generic Sender IDs will no longer be allowed to deliver SMS in Singapore and Whispir will not be allowed to reserve Sender IDs on behalf of our customers for delivery of their SMS traffic.
All alphanumeric Sender IDs that are not registered as part of the SSIR regime by 31 January 2023 will be overwritten to universal sender ID, “Likely-SCAM” for a period of 6 months, after which ALL unregistered alphanumeric Sender IDs will be blocked, given the directive of the regulator, come mid-2023.
If another organisation were to register a Sender ID which is directly or indirectly representing my company’s brand, e.g. Apple, what are my options for recourse against the other organisation?
Registration of Sender IDs will need to pass reviews by the regulator which is also under the Regulator’s discretion for any particular Sender ID to be allowed to be registered. The regulator further shared that there is no guarantee for the use of generic Sender IDs and that these would be available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
As always please feel free to contact Whispir Support with any questions or concerns.